Proofreading of Czech texts, copywriting

Proofreading of Czech texts

I offer the following services, according to your requirements:

Upcoming books, in their original forms as well as translations into Czech, professional texts, dissertations, theses, web pages, manuals, promotional materials, brochures, all subject to the need for multiple checks before going to print. A check of the text is rather a matter of course than a luxury.

The work of a proofreader is a big responsibility; it can elevate a work, or even “destroy” it. Proofreading work is also challenging, in the sense that we must remain somewhat hidden in the background, i.e., it must respect the author or translator, even though it often amounts to considerable interventions carried out at the end of implementation.

A proofreader does not create a piece of work for you, but gets rid of “small nuisances” (in the form of typos and minor grammatical errors, or even coarser syntax errors), checks the accuracy of Czech prepositional phrases (this is often necessary, especially in translation), and so on...

In the case of stylistic changes or recommendations, your proofreader can also alert you to incomprehensibility, cross connections, loss of logic, confusing statements or sentences, and other deficiencies that would otherwise have an adverse effect on the quality of the resulting work.

(One standardized page means 1,800 characters, including spaces.)

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me!